

葛盛,男,1975-04,江苏宜兴,副教授。PLoS One 期刊编委,中国康复医学会脑功能检测与调控康复专委会委员。



19939~ 19976月   南京理工大学   工学学士

19994~ 20013月   日本国立山口大学 工学硕士

20014~ 20043月   日本国立山口大学  工学博士


[1] Sheng Ge, Ruimin Wang, Yue Leng, Haixian Wang, Pan Lin, Keiji Iramina, A double-partial least-squares model for the detection of steady-state visual evoked potentials, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 21(4), pp.897-903, 2017.

[2] Sheng Ge, Qing Yang, Rui-ming Wang, Pan Lin, Jun-feng Gao, Yue Leng, Yuan-kui Yang, Hai-xian Wang, A brain-computer interface based on a few-channel EEG-fNIRS bimodal system, IEEE ACCESS, 5, pp.208-218, 2017.

[3] Sheng Ge, Meng-yuan Ding, Zheng Zhang, Pan Lin, Jun-feng Gao, Rui-ming Wang, Gaopeng Sun, Keiji Iramina, Hui-hua Deng,Yuan-kui Yang, Yue Leng, Temporal-spatial features of intention understanding based on EEG-fNIRS bimodal measurement, IEEE ACCESS, 5, pp.14245-14258, 10.1109/ ACCESS.2017.2723428, 2017.

[4] Sheng Ge, Yan-hua Shi, Rui-min Wang, Pan Lin, Jun-feng Gao, Gao-peng Sun, Keiji Iramina, Yuan-kui Yang, Yue Leng, Hai-xian Wang, Wen-ming Zheng, Sinusoidal signal assisted multivariate empirical mode decomposition for brain-computer interfaces, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 22(5), pp.1373-1384, 2018.

[5] Sheng Ge, Hui Liu, Pan Lin, Junfeng Gao, Chaoyong Xiao, Zonghong Li, Neural basis of action observation and understanding from first- and third-person perspectives: An fMRI study, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12:283.doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00283, 2018.


