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1. 以文昌鱼细胞内消化机制为基础,开发可降解(太湖)蓝藻等藻类的新型混合酶制剂,以及蓝藻资源化治理利用技术系统。
2. 以南中国海为研究对象,开展岛礁水下生态防护综合系统研究,以及造礁珊瑚多组学研究。
3. 以文昌鱼、七鳃鳗和寒武纪化石样本为研究对象,探索脊椎动物机体建构模式(Body plan)的演化起源。
①Chunpeng He, Tingyu Han, Xin Liao, Yuxin Zhou, Xiuqiang Wang, Rui Guan, Tian Tian, Yixin Li, Changwei Bi, Na Lu, Ziyi He, Bing Hu, Qiang Zhou, Yue Hu, J.-Y. Chen*, Zuhong Lu*, Phagocytic intracellular digestion in amphioxus (Branchiostoma). Proc. Biol. Sci., 2018, 285(1880): pii: 20180438. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.0438. [《自然》杂志专题评述: The sea creature that swallows its food whole – twice, Nature, 2018, 558(7709):165. doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-05396-3]
②Guo, Z., Liao, X., Chen, J., He, C.*, & Lu, Z*. Binding pattern reconstructions of FGF-FGFR budding-inducing signaling in reef-building corals. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021, 2346. [通信作者]
③Liu Y, Liao X, Han T, Su A, Guo Z, Lu N, He C*, Lu Z*. Full-Length Transcriptome Sequencing of the Scleractinian Coral Montipora foliosa Reveals the Gene Expression Profile of Coral–Zooxanthellae Holobiont. Biology. 2021; 10(12):1274. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology10121274. [通信作者]
④Liu Y, Zhu Y, He C*, Lu Z*. BENviewer: a gene interaction network visualization server based on graph embedding model. Database (Oxford). 2021:baab033. doi:10.1093/database/baab033. [通信作者]
⑤Li, Y., Liao, X., Bi, K., Han, T., Chen, J., Lu, J.*, He, C.*, & Lu, Z.* (2021). Micro-CT reconstruction reveals the colony pattern regulations of four dominant reef-building corals. Ecology and evolution, 11(22), 16266–16279. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8308. [通信作者]