Xiaolin Lu



Xiaolin Lu

Professional titles

Dr., Associate Prof.

Doctoral supervisor OR Master's supervisor

Doctoral supervisor


Biomedical Engineering and Polymer Science

Academic expertise and research direction

Understanding molecular-level structures of biomacromolecular and polymer surfaces and interfaces

Linear and Nonlinear spectroscopic characterization of surfaces and interfaces of Soft Materials

Engineering surfaces for biomedical applications

Current research and other projects

Nonlinear spectroscopic study of polymer thin films on metal subtrates, 51173169, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2015

Molecular-level structures of epoxy-inorganic substrate interfaces studied by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy, 21004054, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2013

Qianjiang Talents Project of Department of Science and Technology in Zhejiang province (Grant No. 2011R10025)

Books and papers

1. Yong Fang, Bolin Li, Jincheng Yu, Jie Zhou, Xin Xu, Wei Shao, Xiaolin Lu* “Probing surface and interfacial molecular structures of a rubbery adhesion promoter using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy” Surf. Sci.2013, 615, 26-32.

2. Bolin Li, Jie Zhou, Xin Xu, Jincheng Yu, Wei Shao, Yong Fang, Xiaolin Lu* “Solvent quality affects chain conformational order at the polymer surface revealed by sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy” Polymer2013, 54, 1853-1859.

3. Xiaolin Lu*, Gi, Xue, Xinping Wang, Jianglong Han, Xiaofeng Han, Jeanne Hankett, Dawei Li, Zhan Chen* “Directly Probing Molecular Ordering at the Buried Polymer/Metal Interface 2: Using P-Polarized Input Beams” Macromolecules2012, 45, 6087-6094.

4.Xiaolin Lu*, Matthew L. Clarke, Dawei Li, Xinping Wang, Gi Xue, and Zhan Chen* “A Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Study of the Interference Effect in Poly(n-butyl methacrylate) Thin Films Sandwiched between Silica and Water” J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 13759-13767.

5. Xiaolin Lu*, Zhen Chen, Gi Xue*, Xinping Wang “Probing polymer surfaces and interfaces using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy- a powerful nonlinear optical technique” Front. Chem. China2010, 5, 435-444.



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