Fu-Gen Wu



Fu-Gen Wu

Professional titles


Doctoral supervisor OR Master's supervisor

Doctoral supervisor


Biomedical Engineering

Academic expertise and research direction

Biointerface, biomaterials, nonlinear laser techniques, and bio-imaging.

Current research and other projects

(1) Cell surface modification engineering

(2) Nanomaterials-induced autophagy for cancer therapy

(3) Nonlinear laser techniques for biointerface and biomaterials characterization

(4) Bio-imaging techniques including super-resolution techniques

Books and papers

About 30 publications in journals such as JPC, Langmuir, PCCP., etc.



Other explanation

“Lab of Biointerface” has the world’s first-class research facilities including a clean room, one femtosecond laser system and one picosecond laser system, a laser scanning confocal microscopy that will be updated to super-resolution STED system, a PM-IRRAS infrared system, and various other equipments. Our lab focuses on biointerface and biomaterials that are closely related to biomedical applications.