Hui Jiang


Hui Jiang, Ph.D., Associate Professor.

Member of Division of Nanobiomaterials, Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM)

Member of Division of Nano-based Tumor Therapy, China Anti-cancer Association (CACA)

Member of American Chemical Society (ACS)

Education Background and Research Experience

07/2007~now Lecturer, Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Southeast University

09/2005-07/2007 Postdoctoral research, Nanjing University

09/2000-07/2005 Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

09/1996-07/2000 B.S., USTC


2008-2012 Introduction to Current Life Science (All undergraduates)

2013-2015 Modern Biology (Bilingual) (BME Undergraduates)

2017-     Molecules and Cells (BME Undergraduates)

2017-     Experiments to Bioanalysis and sensing (BME Undergraduate)

2013-     Biosensors and bioanalysis (Graduate)

Research Summary

My research focuses on the assembly of nanoclusters for bioimaging, as well as nano-biosensors for POCT. Current projects includes projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu. In the recent 5 years, I’ve accomplished 9 projects (PI or participant), with 20 papers published in SCI journals such as Chem. Mater., Anal. Chem., Biosens. Bioelectron., with a total citation time of 2500 (all publications) and h index of 31. I’ve 5 issued patents.


MOST Natural Science Award, Second Prize (2011)

Jiangsu Science and Technology Progress Award, Third Prize (2013)

Jiangsu Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize (2017)

Selected Recent Publications(*corresponding author#first author)

(1) Assembly of nanoclusters for biomedical imaging

  1. Xueqi Hu#, Youkun Zheng#, Junyu Zhou, Danjun Fang, Hui Jiang*, Xuemei Wang*, Silver-Assisted Thiolate Ligand Exchange Induced Photoluminescent Boost of Gold Nanoclusters for Selective Imaging of Intracellular Glutathione, Chem. Mater.2018, 11(1), 1947-1955. (Q1Ranking)

  2. Liu Liu, Hui Jiang*, Xuemei Wang*, Design of dual metal ions/dual amino acids integrated photoluminescent logic gate by high-molecular weight protein-localized Au nanoclusters. Nano Res. 2018, 11(1), 311-322. (Q1Ranking)

  3. Hui Jiang, Xiaoqing Su, Yuanyuan Zhang, Junyu Zhou, Danjun Fang, Xuemei Wang*, Unexpected thiols triggering photoluminescent enhancement of cytidine stabilized Au nanoclusters for sensitive assays of glutathione reductase and its inhibitors screening, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88(9), 4766-4771. (Nature Index Journal, Q1Ranking)

  4. Xiaoqing Su, Hui Jiang*, Xuemei Wang*, Thiols-induced rapid photoluminescent enhancement of glutathione-capped gold nanoparticles for intracellular thiols imaging applications, Anal. Chem., 2015, 87(20), 10230-10236. (Nature Index Journal, Q1Ranking)

  5. Hui Jiang#, Yuanyuan Zhang#, Xuemei Wang*, Single cytidine units-templated syntheses of multicolored water-soluble Au nanoclusters. Nanoscale2014, 6 (17), 10355-10362. (Q1Ranking)

(2) Nano-Biosensors for POCT

  1. Shanying Han, Tianyu Du, Hui Jiang*, Xuemei Wang*, Synergistic effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone and graphene nano-interface for facile fabrication of sensitive NADH biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron.2017, 89, 422-429. (Q1Ranking)

  2. Hui Jiang, Liu Liu, Xuemei Wang*, Red-emitted electrochemiluminescence by yellow fluorescent thioglycol/glutathione dual thiolate co-coated Au nanoclusters , Nanoscale2017, 9(28), 9792-9796. (Q1Ranking)

  3. Xuan Liu*, Hui Jiang*, Yuan Fang, Wei Zhao, Nianyue Wang, Guizhen Zang, Quantum dots based potential-resolution dual-targets electrochemiluminescent immunosensor for subtype of tumor marker and its serological evaluation. Anal. Chem. 2015,87(18), 9163-9169. (Nature Index Journal, Q1Ranking)

  4. Hui Jiang, Xuemei Wang*, Label-free detection of folate receptor (+) cells by molecular recognition mediated electrochemiluminescence of CdTe nanoparticles. Anal. Chem.2014, 86 (14), 6872-6878. (Nature Index Journal, Q1Ranking)

  5. Hui Jiang, Xuemei Wang*, Alkaline phosphatase-responsive anodic electrochemiluminescence of CdSe nanoparticles, Anal. Chem., 2012, 84(18), 6986-6993. (Nature Index Journal, Q1Ranking)


State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics

School of Biological Science and Medical Engineering

Southeast Univ.

2, Sipailou, Nanjing, P.R. China 210096
